Saturday, October 16, 2010

Russian Towers finished

The fifth graders at Robinson are also cruising along on their Russian Towers. After outlining these with crayon in several colors, students painted their drawings with watercolors (liquid and regular). They had a lot of fun blending the blues, pinks and purples in the background. I showed them how to paint the paper with water first and then add the colors on top and swirl them around.

6th Grade Design Trees

This week, some of our 6th graders are moving towards finishing up their tree drawings. To begin this lesson, I provided my students with several visual examples of silhouettes of trees of various kinds. It would have been ideal to venture outside to actually study and sketch the trees, but we are always so short on time around here. They got the idea though...their tree drawings were simply amazing...every one! Above are just a few of the drawings where I think some creative ideas are happening. Below are a couple of drawings. I wanted you to be able to see the great designs these artists are coming up with. So fun!
This lesson provided a great opportunity for learning about positive and negative space. When they are finished those trees really stand out against all the colorful designs!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Missing Camera

I had some stuff I wanted to post...but last week my digital camera was stolen from my classroom. I am very sad. I take pictures with it everyday...and it is weird not having it. Hopefully I will get a replacement soon...and I may use my personal camera in the meantime. Look for some posts later this week!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Work in Progress

Yes, it's the 5th week of school and we still haven't completed a project! (except for our mini-portraits). I think that is mostly because of our 30 minute art classes. But we are on our way. We started our projects for our Art to Remember fundraiser last week. Fourth Grade are drawing lighthouses in colored pencil, Fifth Grade are creating Russian Towers with crayon and watercolor and 6th Graders are making tree drawings and filling the negative space with marker designs. I thought I would show you some of the fabulous beginnings I've noticed!

Mural Finished

Well, this is our completed Bertha Robinson. We put it up earlier this week. It has just about every student in our school on it. Of course, we had some that didn't finish because of absences and a few didn't follow directions, so those weren't included. But, we really like how it turned out. It was hard to get a good picture of the whole thing because our hallway isn't real bright. I've included a few close ups too!